Auxiliary Texts

Auxiliary texts. The Office of the Virgin is often included in a breviary as an auxiliary text. This same text forms the core devotions included in Books of Hours, but in breviaries it serves a supplementary purpose. These daily devotions are arranged for observance according to the Hours of of the day: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, and Nones, Vespers, and Compline. In the Llangattock Breviary, the most complete offices begin at 1st Vespers the night before the feast and end with 2nd Vespers.


Office of the Dead, Breviary of Ercole d'Este

The Office of the Dead is another of the auxiliary texts commonly included in a breviary. It begins with the antiphon, "Placebo domino in regione vivorum," (I will please the Lord in the land of the living), taken from Psalm 114, verse 9, which is then followed by five Psalms of lamentation. Although leaves from the Office of the Dead in the Llangattock Breviary have not yet been discovered, they likely exist because this office is included in the Breviary of Ercole I d'Este. Notice the image of a skull in the bas de page.
Auxiliary Texts